Resources for All, Not Just Women

I’ve worked for the Eastern Michigan University’s Women’s Resource Center for about two and a half years now, to put it simply- I know the place very well. Our primary purpose is to educate campus on women’s issues, discrimination, events, literature and movements pertaining to equality. Our goal is to educate campus, not just women- which serves as a challenge when a man walks up to our office door and is fearful to cross the threshold (none-the-less it’s comedic to watch). So how do we engage men? How do we make our presence engaging and welcoming, to educate our audience and create a brand that connects all of the communities we want to reach, to make one cohesive audience? We come to you.

Our goal is to meet the Eastern Michigan community where they are at, here at the Women’s Resource Center we have created a web presence on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, we also have a Q & A box located outside of our office that community members can anonymously ask questions and we will post answers on our office door. Feminism is about creating quality-equality between people of all walks of life; men or women or somewhere in-between. Our events are geared towards educating people about issues and topics we typically don’t feel comfortable speaking about. The key is to open dialogue and create a safe space for positive conversations to occur. Check us out at:

Twitter: @EMU_WomensRC


Instagram: EMU_WomensRC


Let us know what you’d like to see next year from your Diversity and Community Involvement section of Student Involvement, and every here at the Women’s Resource Center!


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